When you are a student of ceramics or working at a public studio, there is a part of the process that you never get involved with—the firings. You make your pieces, glaze them carefully and full of anticipation you put them on a designated shelf. At some point, they just come back to you finished! The whole transformative process of firing is hidden. This is not a deliberate ploy–it’s just expedient and safe. Handling other people’s work is a responsibility and understanding a particular kiln with the many possible firing plans takes a lot of experience[…]
New Year and New Plans!
Happy New Year everyone! This last year rocketed by with a mix of opportunities, changes, some successes and some disappointments. All of it needs a moment just so I can evaluate what happened! I started off early in the year with the opportunity to get professional feedback on my local sand pieces. This led me to develop and refine my first line of functional work-‘Coastal’. Doing that led me to develop another line of work-‘Color Block’.The process of developing something that I keep on making instead of small batches of exploratory work has been really interesting.[…]
It’s that time of year again!
Another year is drawing to a close with shorter days and very cold mornings in the studio. It’s almost time for looking back at how things went this year but right now it’s still full speed ahead! I have three shows in the next two weeks and I’m trying to get as much work finished as possible.10 soup mugs – check 28 mugs in white clay – check 4 butter boxes – check 3 big bowls – check 10 little plates – check 8 various spoons – check 3 coffee pour overs – check 60 mugs,[…]
Many, Many Thanks!
There’s a lot going on in our world and a lot more disruption to come but every day I’m reminded that life moves forward – regardless.So we will keep going, working hard, keeping the creative flame alive and spreading light however we can. Remember the people and things in your life that bring you joy! You are all part of what brings happiness to my life and I’m incredibly grateful for your support on my clay journey! I’ve been working hard to make enough ware for this time of year and I’m almost there. Your encouragement[…]
The Updated Challenge
If you’re a reader of these newsletters, you will have noticed that I recently cut back on teaching. This is not because I was tired of teaching but because I needed more time to produce work.About a year ago I wrote about a new challenge I was working on. I had my work shown to a buyer for some high-end home stores and she had some suggestions for making it more saleable. The challenge was to make my work more saleable but still make it my work. So, here is the update. The journey of this[…]
Nurture Your Creativity and Find Your Power
I had my physical recently and it’s definitely inspired me to work on some new habits! The first one I’m tackling is to exercise every day. In an effort to find music that is fun, uptempo and makes me feel like moving, I’ve resorted to pop. Two of my favs are Katy Perry and Taylor Swift because I love their songs about female empowerment. After I work out and listen to those songs, I feel like I can do anything! getting in a few squats while the coffee is brewing! What does any of this have[…]
What’s Coming Up?
It’s June and it feels like summer is happening! This weekend, June 8th and 9th, is the Fairfax Festival and Ecofest. My husband Sam Parry and I will be sharing a booth again. There will be so many beautiful paintings and a whole kiln load of ceramics to investigate! Come down and see what’s new–we’ll be under the redwoods near the main stage. A large part of my new work is a line I’m developing called ‘Coastal’. The pieces are made in both porcelain and a dark clay with only clear glaze and sands from local[…]
It’s All Happening Now!
It’s that time of year when the shows and festivals begin so, here we go! My husband Sam and I are having our spring Open Air Open Studio this weekend–rain or shine. There will be beautiful paintings of all sizes and it will be the introduction of Coastal, my first line of work. I’ve been working hard for awhile on developing a group of pieces that work together and follow a theme and I finally have a solid set ready to show. I’m excited to put it out there and see what happens! More pieces, including[…]