Month: November 2014

New Perspective

I recently went to see my friend Jefferey Beauchamp’s show at the Seager/Gray Gallery in Mill Valley.  It was beautiful!  I’ve known Jeff for more than twenty years and  of course his art has changed over that time.  I realized that somewhere durring that time he has become a master of his medium.  He can realize any idea he wants in his painting and then throw in some elements to surprize you and make you look at the whole picture again, with a new perspective.   This one is called Proper and Common, some of my[…]

What do we want from life?

I’ve been experiencing the plague of modern life lately–feeling that all my time is overbooked with high expectations of fitting everything into 24 hours.  Either I have work or daily life maintenance, like laundry, grocery shopping, dinner cooking, etc. and some how I’m suppose to fit in exercise and relaxing too. But then there’s this precious time that’s carved out to do the thing I love so much–ceramics!  It’s so rewarding. First there’s inspiration and one idea leads you to another.  For example, last Tuesday one of my students tried some sgraffito on a bowl she’d[…]

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