Month: November 2023

Thank You!

Thank You!

This year is so quickly drawing to a close and I wanted to thank you all for being part of my clay journey. Your support and encouragement keeps me going and makes this all possible. So, from the bottom of my empty reclaim bucket and with full shelves, I thank you!! I’ve been working night and day to get a big load of new work ready for the holidays and it’s just about done. A couple more glazing days, another big firing and I’ll be as ready as I can be. These are the opportunities in[…]

Throwing for Fun

Throwing for Fun

When I started my ceramics career, I was building everything by hand. My background is in sculpture so my work stemmed from what I was familiar with. I built a lot of interesting teapots and crazy, heavy mugs. No two were the same! But, as my opportunities expanded, I needed more ware and I needed it faster. Although I knew how to throw on the wheel, it wasn’t my preferred way of working. Hand building is definitely slower than throwing. So, I started to throw more and got better, faster and I started to make things[…]

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