Thank You!

This year is so quickly drawing to a close and I wanted to thank you all for being part of my clay journey. Your support and encouragement keeps me going and makes this all possible. So, from the bottom of my empty reclaim bucket and with full shelves, I thank you!!

I’ve been working night and day to get a big load of new work ready for the holidays and it’s just about done. A couple more glazing days, another big firing and I’ll be as ready as I can be.

These are the opportunities in December to see and purchase the new stuff, starting next week!

This is the first opportunity of the season to get my newest work and it’ll be hot out of the kiln!
My husband Sam and I will both have tables so you will be able to get some of his beautiful small works too!

Our favorite annul holiday faire! Sam and I will both have tables here too. Looking forward to seeing you all!

I might have an Open Air Open Studio in the middle of December but I’ll let you know in my next newsletter!

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