Are You Up for Discipline?

Are You Up for Discipline?

Today is a glaze firing day. That means I have to get up very early to start the process.When it’s cold outside it can be hard to muster the energy to get out of bed, light the kiln and get everything started.  But, once I’m up and awake I love the few quiet hours before the day gets started to get things done. Today I planned to write this newsletter. I spent a little time reading previous blogs to catch some ideas and get in the flow but I couldn’t come up with anything concrete. So,[…]

The Challenge

The Challenge

The challenge: make a set of pieces that meet specific requirements set by someone else, that you can duplicate and still makes you happy. I’ve been working on this project for almost two months now and it’s an interesting challenge!It started when I had the opportunity to submit my new work to a buyer that represents some fancy, high end stores. So, I put together my package and sent it off to her, after she reviewed it she came back with some suggestions that would make things more salable. I’ve been working on those suggestions–hence, the[…]

Endless Possibilities

Endless Possibilities

Ceramics is a continuous journey. There’s so much to try out, experiment with and learn! Pieces are finished and evaluated and that leads you on to the next set of questions and pieces. There are quite literally endless possibilities and opportunities. There are a lot of things finishing around here and also new things starting. One big project that is finally finished–the glaze wall! I have to say, it’s pretty impressive. There are sample tiles of all the glazes on three different types of clay and at two firing temperatures plus a bunch of glaze combos.[…]

May is Happening Here!

May is Happening Here!

We’ve had an unusually long Spring this year and it’s been especially beautiful. The building energy of the past few months has resulted in extra rain, the biggest snow pack in 70 years and super blooms up and down the state! I’ve also been building like mad and preparing for the upcoming sunny time of the year. There are so many pieces ready for glazing, some made with black clay or white clay and a lot made of brown. I can’t wait to see them with my new glaze combos! We’ll be hosting one our funnest[…]

Limits and Repetition, Creativity and Refinement

Limits and Repetition, Creativity and Refinement

Studies have shown that we perform better and feel happier with some limits. Absolute freedom means having to make choices constantly and this is stressful! Routines offer a kind of freedom from that stress. At the same time, things can get boring without some challenges and new ideas. I’ve noticed that a few self imposed limits during the idea stage can make me more creative. I think more about what I’m making and how to go about it instead of falling into safety and boredom. When I sit down to throw mugs, it’s easy to default[…]

Almost There…

Almost There…

Well, I don’t have a whole newsletter’s worth of information for you this month. But like every part of ceramics, I have a work in progress. As you know, I’ve been teaching a glaze class along with my regular ceramics class this session. Everyone’s been exploring combinations of glazes, additions before and after glazing, layering with resist, selectively removing glaze and a lot of things I never thought about trying. Well, we’re almost finished and it’s going to be epic! I’m working to compile everything into a massive periodic table of my glazes – twenty seven[…]

Who knew it would be fun?

Who knew it would be fun?

For the first time in a few years, I’m teaching a class only about glaze and surface. And much to my surprise, it’s sooo fun!! I was a bit daunted by the prep required and truthfully, I’m still working on things. But to my delight, help has come. My student and spreadsheet master-Barbara-is keeping me organized and giving me the student perspective. Many thanks!! I realize that many students find glazing stressful and confusing. So much of the vision is imaginary. The colors and finishes are not even close to what you’re seeing in the buckets[…]

New Year, New Classes!

New Year, New Classes!

Happy New Year everyone! We started this year with a very loud bang and something that sounded like lightening striking the transformer across the street! It wasn’t lightening, only a casualty of the atmospheric river passing through our neck of the woods. The top of a near-by Redwood tree broke off in the high winds and fell on the main electric wires across the street. Luckily it landed in those wires or I think it would have smashed our neighbors roof!It did leave downed wires in the street, a 24 hour power outage and a very[…]

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