
New Ceramics Mini-Session

The Holidays are coming! Would you like to create beautiful serving platters, bowls, mugs and more? Maybe you’d like to make gifts for your friends and family. Take advantage of this mini-session to work on projects inspired by class ideas or bring your own inspirations. Have fun with clay as you learn a range of hand-building and glazing techniques from pottery to sculpture with this highly experienced teacher. Mondays: 7-8:30pm November 9-December 14 or Tuesdays: 7-8:30 pm November 10-December 15 SIX WEEK SESSIONS—Price $115 Classes are in held in my Fairfax Studio Enroll early as space[…]

Who Are Your Art Heroes?

Who are your art heroes?  I’ve been thinking lately about who inspires me and why, and I’ve come up with my top five favorites. It’s impossible to say who is my most favorite artist, that would be like picking my favorite bird or weather or fruit.  But one of my top favorites is Andy Goldsworthy.  His work is exceptionally beautiful and inspiring.  I love his attachment to place, his close observation of what makes that particular place special right then.  Time is such an important element in his work.  I also admire his dedication to do[…]

Sgraffito Technique

There’s a terrific technique that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately–sgraffito.  It literally means to scratch away.  In the case of ceramics, to scratch away a layer of color, usually underglaze, to reveal the contrasting color of the clay underneath. I love texture so much it’s hard to build a smooth object but this technique requires a ‘smooth’ surface.   Once you have your form built and dried to a leather hard stage, you start painting over it with underglazes.  Since you are going to need at least three coats of the underglaze, I’ve found that[…]


I went to see the J.M.W. Turner exhibit at the De Young Museum in San Francisco yesterday.  There is no informed way for me to express what has already been said about his paintings so I won’t try to give a review, I’ll just give you my reaction. Wow!! I am not a painter and am generally attracted to three dimensional work more than two dimensional–but this was amazing!  So beautiful and so evocative.  There is a power you feel when you face one of these pieces.  The passion with which it was made is felt. […]

June & July News

Last month I had my first experience participating in Marin Open Studios and it was quite gratifying.  Before I set everything up I worried that there might not be enough work.  I had three big sculptures–two of which were new, a few smaller ones, a collection of mugs and bowls–some from last year and some new, and maybe some older work that was still at my studio.  But as I started to gather work together, I kept discovering pieces that were hidden away. The best part was as I pulled them out–I still liked them and[…]

Getting Ready

I spent at least an hour vacuuming up spiders and cobwebs in my studio earlier this afternoon just in case I have any archniphobes visiting me next weekend during Marin Open Studios.  I felt a little bad wreaking this devastation on them but I’m sure there are others waiting to take advantage of this environmental opportunity–but hopefully they won’t move in too soon! This is the first time I’ve actually vacuumed in my studio, once in a while it gets a rather weak rendition of dusting but this was the real thing.  I did use a[…]

Marin Open Studios

  This is my first year participating in Marin Open Studios and I’m getting excited!  I have big lists of things to do every day and some of them even get crossed off.  Yesterday I made the last pieces I can for this show and now it’s time for the final firing and glazing and then glaze firing.  Clay proceeds at its own schedule. Today I’m volunteering to label the gallery show of all the artists participating in this event.  It will be really interesting to see all the work and how the show is[…]

I’m Okay with Beauty

I used to think that making beautiful objects was a selfish pursuit.  Art had to be serious and fierce and speak about the human condition and the angst of it all.  But now, I’m ok with beauty—it’s a way in. As human beings, beauty attracts us.  It compels us to look and pay attention to things, and I’ve come to understand that it’s a powerful way to communicate my ideas.  I want people to feel an emotional connection with the earth and all the life on it. I want my art to make people stop and[…]

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