
A Day in my Ceramic Life

A Day in my Ceramic Life

There are many hats you have to wear when you’re living the artist’s life and like any job, there are many parts to it. I often make a list to help me keep on top of what needs doing and how soon. As I was making the one for this week, I decided to make one of everything that goes into running my ceramics life. Wow! It was longer than I expected! When you tell people you make ceramics for a living, that is exactly what they imagine–making ceramics. They also briefly imagine that it might[…]

Hurry Burry Spoils the Curry

Hurry Burry Spoils the Curry

We all have 24 hours in the day and yet, we never seems to have enough time. I’ve just finished one class session and am about to start another. In organizing it, I realized it will be the final one this year! Ack!! The end of the year is in sight and seems to be careening towards us at 100 miles an hour!There’s so much to fit in. I’m still at the Fairfax Farmers’ Market on Wednesdays until the end of October, there’s a couple of orders to fill, and I’m trying to build up a[…]

If You’re Using Something…

If You’re Using Something…

A wonderful friend of ours gave me Master Class on my last birthday. It’s an online series of classes taught by well known people in so many different disciplines. It’s been very interesting. I thought I would study different business classes, learn about negotiation and presenting yourself. Well, during my recent brush with COVID, I had a lot of time at home and I watched some classes. Since I was having a stay-cation, I turned on the Alice Waters cooking class just for fun and it was so inspiring! Part way through her talk on the[…]

Thanks Community

Thanks Community

Ah, the times we’re living in. I find myself squeezed between anger at the rising situations and disbelief in our society. And yet, we move forward, there is no stopping. Even with everything that’s going on I’m still a happy person overall. A big part of that has been finding solace and happiness in community, both the one I live in and the one I make in. Recently, we’ve had our annual summer festival for the first time in two years. As a vendor I was there for both days and it was great! It was[…]

It’s Summertime!

It’s Summertime!

When I was growing up in Montana, summertime was intertwined with our huge veggie garden. First it was planting and the dreaded weeding, and then the excitement of everything growing and finally the reward of the first veggies. Were we live now, I can plant in April instead of early June so my garden is already growing like crazy and I love it! Besides the garden, our town festival signals the start of summer around here. Since my last class session just ended, I’m taking two weeks off to prepare for the Fairfax Festival. I’m making[…]

Throwin’ It Down

Throwin’ It Down

Thanks to my student Catherine, I’ve been watching The Great Pottery Throw Down lately. If you’re unfamiliar with this, it’s a British show very similar in format to The Great British Bake Off: an elimination contest of amateurs, judged by well known professionals with some sweet, understated, British charm thrown in.   I use throwing for producing multiples of functional work, but generally it’s not the way I explore ideas and try new things. Confession time–watching this show is inspiring me and I feel like trying a bunch of the techniques and challenges that have been presented![…]

Necessity is the Mother of Recycling

Necessity is the Mother of Recycling

The world of clay is being hit with the same shortages that the rest of the world is having. I went to buy 500lbs for my next class session and was met with ‘Sorry, it’s out of stock. We don’t know when we’ll get any and it will be rationed to 100lbs per customer once it gets delivered.’ Wow!!A quick look at their out-of-stock board displayed about 30 names compared to the four names listed last time. I hadn’t considered that all the personnel shortages would make a difference in making clay. But, of course it[…]

Taking the Long View

Taking the Long View

I always find it interesting to evaluate what’s happened in my ceramics world during the past year. It gives me valuable information that I can’t really understand when I’m in the middle of things. It’s taking the long view, standing back and comparing my plan for the previous year with the realities of what happened and forming my ideas for the future.I’ve used the Annual Review Worksheet from Alyson Stanfield for the past number of years and it’s always helpful because she asks questions that I might never ask by myself. So, I’m reviewing and[…]

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