Nurture Your Creativity and Find Your Power

I had my physical recently and it’s definitely inspired me to work on some new habits! The first one I’m tackling is to exercise every day. In an effort to find music that is fun, uptempo and makes me feel like moving, I’ve resorted to pop. Two of my favs are Katy Perry and Taylor Swift because I love their songs about female empowerment. After I work out and listen to those songs, I feel like I can do anything!

getting in a few squats while the coffee is brewing!

What does any of this have to do with ceramics you may be wondering? Well, I feel like creativity can be a place of empowerment too. When I’m deep in the process of making something new, I’m completely absorbed in learning and figuring out how to express my idea in clay. I am the boss of every decision I make and everything I’m doing and that feels good.

Part of teaching is trying to empower people. I try to encourage people to drop the judgement about themselves and their abilities. I want them to explore different ideas, accept challenges and have some fun. I want them to feel empowered to try new and difficult things and whether they succeed or fail, to persevere. Empowerment feels good and hopefully they will take that with them into the more stressful part of their lives.

Habits often take three months or longer to develop. My new exercise habit is definitely shaky and needs reinforcing. But, in the long run it will make me healthier and more resilient so I’ll keep working on it. Thinking positively and giving yourself some empowering creative time can become a habit too!

Maybe we can all improve this world with nurturing, self-empowerment and kick-ass creativity! So listen to some fun music, foster good energy and embrace your abilities! You can do it and we can do it, but it will take practice!

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