Month: July 2020



What exactly is craft? To me the word ‘craft’ is a bit of a woolly term.  According to the Oxford English Dictionary it is both a verb and a noun: an activity involving skill in making things by hand,  and also work or objects made by hand. It carries connotations of both excellence and mastery in making and at the same time, it suffers from a lower status. Craft is often perceived as the country cousin of Art. Somehow making functional and practical pieces is not seen as glamorous or interesting–but I have a different opinion.[…]

The Routine of Risk

The Routine of Risk

Call me crazy, but I’ve noticed that the crows in my neighborhood are practicing good COVID prevention. They seem to be staying in small family groups and limiting their contact with other groups. There’s been no dive-bombing or food thievery, and while they’re not exactly washing their ‘hands’, they’ve taken to washing other things. We’ve recently put out a water dish for all the animals that visit our yard and they have been loving it! Half the time it’s a bath for the young bluejay siblings, and the rest of the time it’s a watering hole.[…]

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